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Busan Port

Busan Port at a Glance

비주얼 백그라운드 이미지
Global Hub Port, BPA


Experience Perfect Synergy through
the Busan Port International Ship Chandling Center

The Busan Port International Ship Chandling Center is to provide a variety of services, all at an affordable
price to tenants. The center will raise Busan Port’s brand image, while compelling and creating
international ship goods distribution though a synergy effect.

Low Rental Fees

Other G Port 30,000 3,520 Busan Port International Ship Chandling Center > 1/10 About Than other harbor
The Busan Port International Ship Chandling Center boasts
an average facility fee of 3,520 KRW - up to 11.7% less
than other ports in Asia

Lot rent

Depending on foreign investment amount, m2/ 150~180 KRW/ month


m2/ 1,856 KRW /month

facility Rent
facility Rent (m2 / month) Lot Rent
Warehouse Office
1F 1~2F
Frozen, Refrigerated 3,958 2,958 3,542 300
Heavy Goods 3,625

Free Trade Zone Benefits

The Busan Port International Ship Chandling Center is located in a Free Trade Zone, an area synergized with the port industry to optimize international competitiveness and maritime logistics ervices.

Free Trade Zone Benefits
Category Content
Direct Tax Reduction Target
  • Overseas manufacturing businesses investing over $10 million USD
  • Overseas logistics businesses investing over $5million USD
Summary Three year full exemption from and subsequent two year 50% reduction of corporate tax, income tax, acquisition tax , registration tax, property tax and aggregate land tax.
Indirect Tax Exemption / Refund
  • Full exemption from all tariffs on resident company goods brought into the Free Trade Zone
  • Zero VAT on all business to business goods exchanged between resident FTZ companies
Simplification of Distribution Declaration Procedures Streamlining of declaration procedures for Customs (various value added activities like goods transfer, usage of overseas goods, distribution and maintenance activities within the Free Trade Zone)

Wholesale Incorporation of the Center

Specific procurement systems
  • Co-purchasing, co-delivery (diversification of transport routes, reduction of expenses)
  • Handling of items through diversification of large, specialized vendors, price-cut effect
  • Tenant companies of the International Chip Chandling Center must comply with investment in wholesale incorporation. This wholesale incorporation ensures a secure economy of scale.

Promotion of individual companies to create ‘brand effect’

  • The Busan Port International Ship Chandling Center will market to generate demand, enhancing value through integration and engagement in promotional activity alongside the BPA and Busan Metropolitan City
  • Exhibitions, advertisements, tenants co-promotion through websites