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Busan Port

Busan Port at a Glance

비주얼 백그라운드 이미지
Global Hub Port, BPA


The creation of Busan New Port as a high-tech port is positioning Busan as the hub port of logistics in Northeast Asia.

Busan New Port currently operates 23 container berths and promotes high-value added business as a futuristic ubiquitous port. Once all 45(CNTR 40 + General 5) of its planned berths become fully operational, Busan New Port will have established itself as a surefire international logistics hub port creating an annual expected income of USD 4.24billion. The redeveloped and mega-sized Busan Port will have an annual capacity far exceeding 15.84 million TEU.

New Port Development image
A table showing the location, Project period, details and total capital of the new port development
Location The district of Busan in Gadeokdo of Gangseo-gu, Yongwon-dong and Angol-dong of Jinhae-gu,and Wungdongman and Jedeokman
Project period 1995~2020 (25 years) Details 45 berths, 9.44 million㎡ of Distripark
Total capital USD 16.7 (Government : 7.45, Private : 9.27)

Expected Effects

  • Provision of high-qualified port service with fast & smooth cargo handling
  • Reduction in logistics costs & Enhancement of national competitiveness
Development Plan